Statistical Intelligence for Cell Biomedicine

Machine learning | Single-cell Genomics | Spatial Biology

About Us

Welcome to the laboratory of Statistical Intelligence for Cell Biomedicine led by Dr. Yuanhua Huang! We are jointly affiliated with the School of Biomedical Sciences and the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at HKU, physically located at the Medical Campus on Sassoon Road.

As can be inferred from the joint affiliations, our lab work at the interface between data science and biomedical sciences by developing statistical machine learning methods and computational algorithms for analysing biomedical data, particularly single-cell genomic data. Single-cell sequencing is a recent technology, probing many individual cells at DNA and/or RNA levels, allowing to investigate the heterogeneity in cell populations, e.g., in cancer context. However, statistical challenges exist in many aspects, for example integration of multiple omics data for somatic mutations and deciphering the complexity of regulation in gene expression or RNA stochasticity. See more details in research page.

Prospective Students

Are you interested in working at the interface between data science and biomedical science?

We are looking for talented students and postdocs to join our group.

If you want to discuss potential opportunities, contact us.