Emerging Technology and Statistical Challenges

NSFC/RGC Workshop on Single-Cell Data Science

Keynote Speakers

Prof Oliver Stegle


Prof Jean Yang

University of Sydney

Prof Oliver Stegle


Prof Jean Yang

University of Sydney

Confirmed Speakers

Prof Xuegong Zhang, Tsinghua U
Dr Yingying Wei, CUHK
Dr Ye Yuan, Shanghai Jiaotong
Dr Davis McCarthy, U Melbourne
Dr Kylie James, Garvan Institute
Dr Aibin He, Peking University
Dr Angela Wu, HKUST
Dr Xi Chen, SUSTech
Dr Mu He, HKU
Dr Jason Wong, HKU
Dr Hongbo Zhang, Sun Yatsen U
Dr Can Yang, UST
Dr Dora Zhang, HKU
Dr Wenfei Jin, SUSTech
Dr Guangdun Peng, GIBH, CAS
Dr Huaying Chen, HIT-Shenzhen
Prof Kevin KM Tsia, HKU
Dr Asif Javed, HKU
Dr Xin Wang, CityU Hong Kong
Dr Jiguang Wang, HKUST
Dr Joseph Powell, Garvan Institute
Dr Guoji Guo, Zhejiang U
Prof Xuegong Zhang, Tsinghua U Dr Yingying Wei, CUHK Dr Ye Yuan, Shanghai Jiaotong Dr Davis McCarthy, U Melbourne
Dr Kylie James, Garvan Institute Dr Aibin He, Peking University Dr Angela Wu, HKUST Dr Xi Chen, SUSTech
Dr Mu He, HKU Dr Jason Wong, HKU Dr Hongbo Zhang, Sun Yatsen U Dr Can Yang, UST
Dr Dora Zhang, HKU Dr Wenfei Jin, SUSTech Dr Guangdun Peng, GIBH, CAS Dr Huaying Chen, HIT-Shenzhen
Prof Kevin KM Tsia, HKU Dr Asif Javed, HKU Dr Xin Wang, CityU Hong Kong Dr Jiguang Wang, HKUST
Dr Joseph Powell, Garvan Institute Dr Guoji Guo, Zhejiang U

Call for abstract & registration

Besides the invited speakers, a few slots are available for contributed talks (20min including Q&A) and flash talks (5min). When filling out the registration form, you can indicate if you want to give a talk. Abstracts will be selected by the organizers, and successful applicants will be notified of which type of talk to give (you don’t need to specify in submission).

  • Form for registration and abstract submission: closed
  • Deadline for both abstract & registration: 11:59pm, 30 April 2022, HK time
  • Notification of talk selection: by 8th May 2022
  • Registration for YouTube live stream: closed


Rapid recent advances in single-cell technology provide an unprecedented opportunity to understand cellular heterogeneity, genetic substructure, cell-cell interactions and temporal dynamics of complex tissues and tumours. The large volume and complexity of these high dimensional data pose unique statistical and computational challenges. This two-day NSFC/RGC workshop aims to bring together single-cell researchers in Hong Kong, mainland China and beyond to discuss emerging challenges and solutions in single-cell data science in an open and collaborative environment.

Contact us if you have questions.

Organizing committee